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AWS CLI Install


After reviewing and confirming you have all of the prerequisites required for this installation process this page walks through the steps for installation of Kubefirst for AWS with the Kubefirst CLI.

Process Overview

The installation process below includes the following steps:

  • Installing a Certificate Authority
  • Assuming the KubefirstAdmin Role
  • Creating your new Kubefirst cluster
  • Using the Kubefirst CLI
  • Getting your root credentials

Install Kubefirst

Refer to the sections below for details on each step of the installation.

Install the Certificate Authority

We use mkcert to generate local certificates and serve https with the Traefik Ingress Controller. During the installation, Kubefirst generates these certificates and pushes them to Kubernetes as secrets to attach to Ingress resources.

To allow the applications running in your Kubefirst platform in addition to your browser to trust the certificates generated by your Kubefirst local install, you need to install the CA (Certificate Authority) of mkcert in your trusted store. Run the following command to instal mkcert. (This is not an optional step and cluster creation will fail if you don't install the mkcert CA in your trusted store.)

brew install mkcert
mkcert -install

For Firefox users, you will also need to install the Network Security Services (NSS). Run the following command.

brew install nss

Assume the KubernetesAdmin Role

Assume the KubernetesAdmin role that you created in the prerequisites by running the following command, replacing 111111111111 with your AWS account ID.

aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/KubernetesAdmin" --role-session-name "kubefirst-platform-creation" --duration-seconds 43200

The Kubefirst installer requires you to export these 3 values, including the large session token value. In this example you can see that the value sometimes ends with =. When copying, be sure to include those, but do not include the as part of the value.

AWS Temporary Credentials

Export these session values to your terminal replacing xxxx with your values from the output of your aws sts command.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='xxxx'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='xxxxxxxx'
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Create your new Kubefirst cluster

Run the following command for GitHub

export GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

kubefirst aws create \
--alerts-email [email protected] \
--domain-name \
--cluster-name kubefirst-mgmt \
--github-org your-github-organization-name

Run the following command for GitLab

export GITLAB_TOKEN=glpat-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

kubefirst aws create \
--alerts-email [email protected] \
--git-provider gitlab \
--gitlab-group your-gitlab-group \
--domain-name \
--cluster-name kubefirst

Using the Kubefirst CLI

The kubefirst aws create command takes about 35 minutes to complete. This is the time typically required for cloud resources to create, applications to install, DNS to propagate, and certificates to resolve.

In a second terminal run the kubefirst logs command to view execution details. This is helpful if you run into an error and you would like more details.

If you encounter any errors, refer to the guidance provided by the CLI.

The CLI also attempts to be idempotent, so resolving an issue in your setup is often followed with executing your kubefirst aws create ... command again so that it can complete the platform provision and provide you with the credentials to your new platform.

What's Next?

Get your kbot password

Once your platform has provisioned, run the following command to get the password to kbot, your initial kubefirst platform system administrator.

kubefirst aws root-credentials

Local resources

During provisioning kubefirst produces a temporary directory of utilities and platform state content located in the ~/.kubefirst file and the ~/.k1 folders on your local machine.

These files can be removed with kubefirst reset once your platform is provisioned and healthy.

Explore Kubefirst

Now that you have a functional install you may want to: