Civo Helm Install
After reviewing and confirming you have all of the prerequisites required for this installation process this page walks through all of the steps for Kubefirst installation with Civo and Helm.
Installing Kubefirst
Step 1 - Install the Platform Installer Tools
Run the following commands to add the Kubefirst installer tools to your existing cluster. This enables us to create your new management cluster in Civo using your preferred git provider.
helm repo add konstruct
helm repo update
helm install kubefirst --namespace kubefirst --create-namespace konstruct/kubefirst
kubectl -n kubefirst port-forward svc/kubefirst-console 8080:8080
Step 2 - Connect to Kubefirst installer
Open a browser to launch the Kubefirst installer with the URL - http://localhost:8080
Step 3 - Create your management cluster
From the path in the previous step select your preferred Git provider. (We’re using GitHub for this example.)
Provide the required details for your Git provider.
- Personal Access Token/GitHub username
- Organization name (Group for GitLab)
- Civo API Key
Select Next for Cluster details. Note: the recommendations below are the minimum requirements to run a management cluster.
- Alerts email - receives notifications for encryption certificate expiration. This email will not be used by Konstruct for anything outside of these notifications
- Cloud region - fra1 (recommended)
- Instance size - g4s.kube.large (recommended)
- Number of nodes - 4 (recommended)
- DNS provider - For Cloudflare provide the Cloudflare token, cluster domain name, subdomain name (optional), and cluster name
Advanced Options are all optional and allow you to:
- Override the gitops-template repository
- Specify a different GitOps template branch
- Use HTTPs instead of SSH
- Prevent the installation of the Kubefirst UI component
Select Create Cluster once you’re satisfied with the details you’ve provided to start provisioning! This process is typically about 15-20 minutes.
When your cluster has successfully provisioned select Next.
After successful provisioning the cluster details with the new Vault password are provided in the next screen.
This part of the provisioning process creates your management cluster, bootstraps your new platform onto that cluster, and then adds Kubefirst to that platform. Kubefirst includes this management cluster for free. You can upgrade your license to manage workload clusters.
Step 4 - Launch Kubefirst
From the success screen you can now launch Kubefirst
Select Open kubefirst console to see your cluster details.
- The default username for your new platform bot administrator account is
- Save this password somewhere safe to retain access to your management cluster.
- The default username for your new platform bot administrator account is
Congratulations you have a brand new management cluster. 🎉
What's Next?
After completing the installation we recommend that you deprovision the install cluster.
Remove the Kubefirst installer
After you’ve completed your Kubernetes Pro installation you can run the following commands to remove the installer from your cluster.
helm -n kubefirst delete kubefirst
kubectl -n kubefirst delete secret/kubefirst-initial-secrets
Explore Kubefirst
By default your new management cluster has been created in the Free tier of the Kubefirst Platform. This tier includes access to the Kubefirst Pro UI.
Now that you have a functional install you may want to:
- Explore more details on Kubefirst Features
- Read details on how to upgrade or manage users and passwords in Kubefirst Administration
- Reach out to us on Slack to chat or ask questions