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Kubefirst and Kubefirst Pro support provisioning in AWS through the Kubefirst CLI and the Kubefirst UI (install details in-progress).

In this section of our documentation you can find content specific to our AWS support including the prerequisites and installation for Kubefirst and AWS.

Installation Components

The AWS install and provisioning process creates the following:

  • a Kubernetes management cluster in AWS
  • a Git repository (gitops) from our gitops-template in your selected Git provider
  • an Argo CD installation bootstrapped to the gitops repository to power the Kubefirst platform
  • all the platform applications using GitOps (from the /registry folder in the gitops repository)
  • a Terraform configuration for Vault (from the /terraform/vault folder in the gitops repository)
  • a Terraform configuration for the gitops repository to automatically run Terraform executions through Atlantis
  • an Argo Workflows integration with your selected Git provider
  • an Argo Workflows cluster workflow templates to build containers, publish Helm charts, and provide a GitOps delivery pipeline
  • a metaphor installation for our sample application that has built-in automation to demonstrate app delivery
  • Access to the Kubefirst UI if desired, while you can opt-out of this functionality access to the Kubefirst UI and Kubefirst Pro.