Akamai CLI Prerequisites
This document walks through the prerequisites for installing Kubefirst using Akamai with the Kubefirst CLI.
Install Assumptions
Before getting started make sure you are aware of the following:
- We assume that you already have an Akamai account and credentials.
- We assume you have a GitHub organization that is free to use for this installation.
- We are assuming you have never installed Kubefirst or Kubefirst Pro before.
- If you have previously installed Kubefirst or Kubefirst Pro you will need to remove the ~/.k1 folder, the ~/.kubefirst file, and anything related to k3d in Docker for the install to be successful.
- We’re going to use your personal account for GitHub as an admin and associate it with the bot that we use to build automation. This is faster but it also means that if you want to continue beyond just “testing it out” there are additional steps required to establish an independent bot account for the system to use. The bot is yours to run, configure, or remove and we do not store information on our servers.
Before getting started with this installation there are several things you will need to have set up to successfully complete the installation.
The commands we provide here assume you are using Homebrew.
The instructions below also use kubeclt
. Run the following brew command to install.
brew install kubernetes-cli
A Docker Desktop installation with the following minimum requirements:
- CPU: 5 Cores
- Memory (RAM): 5 GB
- Swap: 1 GB
- Virtual Desk limit (for Docker images and containers): 10 GB
Some basic notes about running Docker:
- The more resources you allocate, the faster the cluster creation will go.
- If you pull multiple images from Docker Hub it may trigger the rate limit. _To avoid this we suggest logging in to a Docker account. You can create one here for free, to double the rate limit.
- For Windows users Docker support must be enabled for WSL2 distributions.
Kubefirst CLI
macOS & Linux (Homebrew)
Run the following brew command to install the Kubefirst CLI.
brew install konstructio/taps/kubefirst
To update an existing Kubefirst CLI run
brew update
brew upgrade kubefirst
Linux (manual)
Download the latest build for your architecture from the releases page. Once done, extract it, and ensure it's executable. You may need to use sudo
for the tar
or `chmod`` command.
tar --overwrite -xvf kubefirst_<VERSION>_linux_<ARCH>.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ kubefirst && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubefirst
Now you can run kubefirst
kubefirst version
We do not directly support Windows, but you can use Kubefirst with WSL (tested with Ubuntu). To install the latest WSL version, follow the Microsoft documentation on installing Linux on Windows.
Git Provider (GitHub)
Note: Only GitHub is supported for provisioning with Akamai.
After provisioning your installer cluster you will need to have domain details for GitHub for your management cluster.
- Organization name
- Personal Access token
- Username
Check out our instructions for details (including scopes/permissions) on creating your git token.
For Akamai we are unable to use Akamai as the DNS provider because of requirements that the domain needs to be attached to a VM. To use Kubefirst with Akamai we support Cloudflare.
Cloudflare Details
- Create a dedicated Cloudflare user account
- Create a user token with read and write access to your registered zone. This token will be required during installation.
Refer to the Cloudflare documentation for user token creation for additional details.
Certificate Authority
This is not an optional step: the cluster creation will fail if you don't install the mkcert CA in your trusted store.
We use mkcert to generate local certificates and serve https
with the Traefik Ingress Controller. During the installation, Kubefirst generates these certificates and pushes them to Kubernetes as secrets to attach to Ingress resources.
To allow the applications running in your Kubefirst platform, in addition to your browser, to trust the certificates generated by your Kubefirst install, you need to install the CA (Certificate Authority) of mkcert
in your trusted store.
Run the following command to install mkcert
brew install mkcert
mkcert -install
For Firefox, you will also need to install Network Security Services (NSS):
brew install nss
Akamai Cloud Components
For Kubefirst to be able to provision your Akamai cloud resources:
- A Akamai account in which you are an account owner.
- A Linode API token.
Known Limitations
Let's Encrypt Certificate Rate Limit
Kubefirst uses Let's encrypt to automatically create certificates for your domains. Let's encrypt limits creation to 50 weekly certificates with an additional limitation of 5 per subdomain. In some scenarios you may reach that limit if you often create and destroy Kubefirst clusters using the same domain during a short period. You can use the Let's Debug Toolkit to check those.
Cloudflare DNS with origin certificates is an alternative method that allows unlimited certificate creation if this limit impacts you.
Akamai Specific
- Akamai is only available on GitHub.
- You cannot use Akamai as the DNS provider.
Getting Support
If you’re not sure this is the best method of installation for you, or you started the install and ran into issues, or if you have a question about the process and don’t see it mentioned here, we've got you covered. Join our Slack Community for support and get the answers you need!